Product Descriptions

"How To Transform Boring Product Descriptions Into

Epic Experiences Your Customers Will Feel, Desire and Buy!"

Transform Your Product Descriptions Into Epic Experiences Your Customers Will Feel, Desire and Buy!"

In a world where the online shopping experience has become as exciting as elevator music, your products need more than just specifications and images to excite customers to buy.

They need a soul.

Imagine what would happen if everything on your eCommerce site wasn't just an item for sale...

...but also a memorable character in an thrilling story, waiting to be told?

That’s where I come in.

I specialize in crafting epic story-powered product descriptions that breathe life and adventure into all your items. Think of it as Adventurous Alchemy for your product copy. 

Every word is an expedition, every sentence a world of discovery.

So while your competitors torture their website visitors with descriptions duller than dishwater, you'll do the exact opposite and... 

 Grab Attention With Story-Powered Product Descriptions That Create...

It's Time to Make Your ECommerce Business Stand Out With Story Powered Product Descriptions That Can Offer...

  • Personalization (or the "Make Them the Hero" Approach)
    Picture this: your customers aren't just reading a story—they're living in it, with your product as their trusty sidekick. This isn’t just engagement; it’s a full-blown romance. Personalizing the narrative makes the customer feel special, and special feelings lead to special sales.
  • Immersive Experience (or "Why Sell a Product When You Can Sell a World?")
    Forget selling a product; sell them an experience. Transport your customers into a world where every challenge they face is conquered with your product. It's not just a purchase; it's an entry ticket to an adventure.
  • Aspirational Quality (or "Sell the Dream, Not the Thing")
    Use stories to craft the lifestyle your customers aspire to. They're not buying a widget; they're buying into the life they want. Your product becomes the bridge to their ideal self. That's powerful stuff.
  • Enhanced Memorability (or "Be Unforgettable")
    In a sea of endless ads and product placements, be the memorable novella. When you wrap your product in a captivating story, you stick in their minds long after the page is turned. Memorable equals measurable impact on your sales.
  • Emotional Engagement (or "Win Hearts to Open Wallets")
    Tap into emotions with narratives that resonate on a personal level. When customers feel a strong emotional connection to a story, that feeling transfers to your product. Happy customers are customers who come back for more.
  • Visualization of Benefits (or "Show, Don't Tell")
    Don’t just tell them what your product does—show them what it can do in the theater of their minds. Your product isn’t just a tool; it’s the hero’s magic wand in every chapter of their personal epic.
  • Humor (or "Laugh All the Way to the Bank")
    Why just sell when you can entertain? Injecting humor into your product stories doesn’t just grab attention—it steals it, ties it up, and takes it on a joyride.

    When customers read your descriptions and laugh, it triggers a flood of dopamine and endorphins in their brain.And those little guys are like trust magnets! They make people feel a sense of connection, rapport, and the desire to listen to you.

    It's like giving them a shot of trust juice straight to the brain. This feel-good chemical warfare is what turns casual browsers into happy buyers.

    Adding humor into your product stories makes your brand stickier than a syrup, creating memorable moments that customers want to share with everyone, even their cat. It's one of the most potent sales weapons you can ever have...

    ...think of it as a smile with a credit card attached.

"Customers are not just buying a product; they are buying the story and the experience that come with it." — Jay Abraham

Legendary marketing strategist, revenue growth expert, and business innovator

Here's why story powered product descriptions isn't just a good idea, 
it's your next big move

Here's why story-powered product descriptions isn't just a good idea, it's your next big move

Suppose You Own An Online Vintage Clothing Store

Imagine you're Jamie, running your online vintage shop, "RetroWear". You take a good look at your typical, snooze-fest product descriptions and decide it's time for a little reinvention.

You grab that 1970s leather jacket and instead of slapping on a "well-preserved" tag, you christen it a “rebel's vest, worn through historic concerts and late-night adventures, still carrying the spirit of freedom.”

Now every item in your store isn't just something to wear; it's a piece of a much bigger, much cooler story. 

Suddenly, RetroWear isn’t just another online store; it's the backdrop for an epic fashion adventure. Your customers aren’t just shopping; they’re casting themselves as the lead in a blockbuster where their wardrobe is key to unlocking adventures.

Sales go through the roof, social media is buzzing, and next thing you know, a top fashion influencer is calling your shop the "ultimate portal to fashion-forward time travel".

So there you are, a shop owner turned storytelling superhero, watching as your clever twist on product descriptions transforms RetroWear into the hottest spot on the internet, all because you decided to make shopping way more fun. 

Think about it—you didn't just change the game; you turned shopping at your store into an adventure movie where everyone wants a starring role.

It’s time to turn your eCommerce site from a mere shopping platform into a Story-Powered Extravaganza.  It's not just about buying a jacket...

It's about buying the STORY of the Jacket. The legend. The myth.

""People buy stories, not stuff. The best marketers tell the best stories." — Dan Kennedy

Marketing genius, master copywriter, and business growth strategist

What? You Want See Some Examples? 
Okay, Check These Puppies Out...

What? You Want See Some Examples? 
Okay, Check These Puppies Out...

Example 1

Why Settle for Dull? Witness an Epic Transformation of This Product Description Click Here  (2 versions)

Example 2

See How We Turned 'Meh' into 'Wow' With This Story Powered Product Description Click Here  (another 2 versions) 

Example 3

Think Ordinary Household Products Can't Be Cool? Think Again - Click Here To Feast Your Eyes On This Epic Product Description...
(another 2 versions)

Story Studio Membership Benefits

Perks so good you'll never need to go
anywhere else for your product copy. Seriously.

Perks so good you'll never need to go anywhere else for your product copy. Seriously.

Product Task Board

Easily manage your unlimited product queue with a Trello Board

Super Fast Delivery

Get your story-powered product descriptions in 48 hours or less

Fixed Monthly Rate

No surprises here! Pay the same fixed price each month.

Top Notch Quality

Insane copy quality at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Flexible & Scalable

Scale up or down as needed, and pause or cancel at anytime.

Unique and all yours

Each of your product descriptions are made especially for you and is 100% yours

Select A Membership




Standard Version

  • Unlimited task requests
  • One task request at a time
  • 3 products per task request 
  • Dedicated copywriter
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Average less than 36 hour turn around time
  • 1 extra story-powered description per product for emails
  • Pause or Cancel Anytime

...and see if you qualify to have our StoryStudio release the stories locked inside your products so you can supercharge your online sales.



Premium Version

  • Unlimited task requests
  • One task request at a time
  • 5 products per task request 
  • Dedicated copywriter
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • 48 hour or less turn around time
  • 2 extra story-powered descriptions per product for emails
  • Pause or Cancel Anytime

Book a 15 min call

...and see if you qualify to have our StoryStudio release the stories locked inside your products so you can supercharge your online sales.

"Stories make your marketing memorable. They stick in people's minds long after the facts and figures are forgotten." — Dan Kennedy

Marketing genius, master copywriter, and business growth strategist

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I choose a subscription service for product descriptions instead of hiring a freelancer?

Picture this: you're drowning in a sea of mind-numbingly boring product descriptions, desperately trying to keep your competitors from eating your lunch.

Enter the freelancer, a lone wolf charging $75-$150 per description. Sure, they seem like a good idea—until they start juggling clients like flaming swords, miss deadlines, and ghost you like a bad Tinder date.

Not to mention their stories will probably suck.

Meanwhile, our standard version is $4500/month for a minimum of 120 epic, story-powered descriptions, saving you up to $13,500 over a freelancer. Upgrade to $7500/month for a minimum of 225 descriptions, and you'll pocket savings of up to $26,250.

We live, breathe and eat product storytelling, turning your mundane listings into captivating narratives that makes you stand out so much you'll get to eat all your competitor's lunches.

So, why settle for a freelancer when you can have Tony Stark-level ingenuity and creativity?

Why not just hire an inhouse copywriter?

Thinking about an in-house writer? That’s like buying a high-end sports car just to get stuck in traffic.

You’re looking at $8,500 a month for salary, benefits, and office space. Factor in sick days, office distractions, subpar output from juggling other projects, missed deadlines, and training costs, (and God knows what else) you’re easily looking at $10,000-$12,000 a month.

And when work slows down, you're still on the hook for their salary and expenses. 

But with our service, you can pause or cancel anytime if your needs change saving you even more money. 

We make your products sound amazing, with zero drama or hidden costs. And it’s so easy to scale up or down as your needs change.


How does the unlimited task request feature work? Can I really submit as many requests as I need?

Absolutely! Imagine it’s a never-ending taco Tuesday, but for product descriptions.

With our Standard plan, we handle one task at a time and each task has 3 products we create story powered descriptions for. 

If you go for the Premium plan then each task gets us to cook up 5 products at once for you.

As soon as we finish one task, you can order up another. It’s like having a team of turbo-charged writers ready to keep your plate full. So yes, keep those tasks coming—we’re always hungry for more!

How will those additional story-powered descriptions for emails enhance my marketing efforts?

Imagine if your email marketing campaign was less like a bland tofu salad and more like a spicy taco fest. That's what our story-powered descriptions bring to the table.

Each email becomes a gripping short story that your customers can't wait to read and share. It's like turning your email blasts into viral tweets, minus the trolls. Fresh angles keep your brand top-of-mind, making every email a chance to not just sell, but to entertain and charm the pants off your customers (figuratively speaking - but who knows?) 

And when people love what they read, they share it—expanding your reach and fattening your wallet. Who knew emails could be this much fun?


Is there a limit to how many requests I can have?

Not at all! Once subscribed, you're able to add as many task requests to your queue as you'd like, and they will be delivered one by one.  

Think of it like your personal story-powered product description factory that never shuts down. You can queue up as many requests as your marketing heart desires. We handle them one masterpiece at a time, giving each the red-carpet rollout it deserves. It's like having an endless supply of witty, engaging content that keeps on giving, making your products the stars of the e-commerce show! So go ahead, pile them on; we're here to keep the hits coming.

How does the pause feature work?

Imagine we've story powered the descriptions for every product on your site with tales that make Shakespeare seem bland, but now you're tapped out of inventory.

What now? Hit the pause button! It's like putting your subscription in a holding pattern while you wait for new products to strut onto the scene. If you've used 21 days of wordcraft wizardry, you've got 10 days left in your back pocket, ready to deploy the moment those new products arrive.

It’s like having a freeze-frame option on your service, ensuring not a single descriptive day goes to waste!

What if I don't like the copy of a particular story-powered product description?

Hey, no problem! Consider us your personal word chefs.

If the first draft doesn’t bake your cookie, we’ll keep mixing and remixing the ingredients until it’s just right. It’s like being in a gourmet kitchen where we won’t let you leave until your taste buds are dancing with joy over that perfect description.

What if I only have a limited amount of requests?

That’s totally cool. Think of our service as your Netflix account. Watched everything good? Don't sweat it—just hit pause.

Finished all your product descriptions? Cool, press pause and go enjoy life outside. When you've got more stuff to sell, hit play, and we'll jump back into action, no cliffhangers, just your story-powered descriptions waiting to pick up right where they left off.

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?

Refunds are not on the menu, my friend. Because of the sheer, unadulterated quality of what we deliver, we don’t do the whole money-back thing.

Think of it as ordering a custom suit—you wouldn’t return it just because you felt too dashing. But trust us, you’re going to look good in what we create.

Who's the ideal client for StoryStudio product descriptions?

While we love working with all sizes of e-commerce companies...

...our perfect client is an e-commerce business bustling with a large, ever-changing inventory that demands a constant stream of snappy, engaging product descriptions to keep pace with new arrivals and updates. 

We're the ideal service for those who update, change, or expand their offerings regularly, our service saves significant time, money, and frustration.

While we thrive with larger operations, smaller sites aiming to stand out from competitors will also see substantial benefits, making every description count towards greater success.
